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We are excited to announce that we have added reviews of medical treatments to the Alike app!

We are so happy to announce that we have added reviews of all kinds of medical treatments to our app!
We are excited to announce that we have added reviews of medical treatments to the Alike app!
Written by
Alike Team
Published on
December 29, 2022

Have you ever felt uncertainty about a new medication you prescribed or a new diet you considered?
Now you can read what others, who are medically similar to you, had to say about this medication and learn from other's experiences!

We call it the wisdom of the crowd ☺️❤️

We are so happy to announce that we have added reviews of all kinds of medical treatments to our platforms

Now, you can easily access reviews from other patients who have undergone specific medical treatments, such as surgeries, medications, and therapies.

With these reviews, you can get a better understanding of the potential risks and benefits of a treatment, as well as what to expect during the recovery process. You can also use these reviews to find out more about the experiences of others who have undergone similar

treatments and see how they have benefited or struggled.

Comparing different treatments or providers can help you decide between different treatment options or if you are looking for a healthcare provider who has a high success rate in a particular area.

Reviews can also keep you informed and up to date about the latest research and developments in healthcare. 

To access these reviews, simply search for the treatment you are interested in on Alik and tap the "Reviews"

tab. Here, you can read through the reviews and get a sense of what others have experienced with the treatment.

You can also write a review on medications, supplements, vitamins, diets, procedures and medical equipment that you have experience with. 

Other than taking informed decision about your healthcare, we hope this new feature will help you make more informed decisions

about your healthcare and feel more confident in your treatment choices.

Taske charge of your health! Now is the time. and enjoy the wisdom of the crowd.

As always, we recommend discussing any medical decisions with your healthcare provider.

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